A complicated piece of machinery such as our society...by pressing your little finger against one spot...the center of all its gravity...you can make the thing crumble into a worthless heap of scrap iron.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ron Paul and the antiwar movement don't mix

The Ron Paul campaign has come up a couple times in meetings, so I wanted to pass this article along, which expands the arguments I was making about why the antiwar movement shouldn't embrace his campaign. As we move deeper into election season this Spring, it'll be interesting to see if Paul continues to attract to support on campus, and we should be prepared to argue with genuine antiwar folks that are attracted to his campaign that it's not a good way to build the antiwar movement. I imagine most people on campus who are looking to Paul as antiwar solution aren't familiar with his really noxious positions on a wide range of issues, and we should take it upon ourselves to argue with folks that getting involved in BSTW is a far better way to build the antiwar movement.

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